This site is an archive. THE FLEA ceased active publishing with Broadsheet 20 in Ocober 2011. No further Broadsheets will be published, so no submissions can be accepted.
Yr Hmble & Obdt Editor,
(having accru’d sufficient well-turn’d & worthy Verses,
wherewith to stock forthe-coming Broade-sheetes of
for an ensu’ing Six-moneth term, or more),
advizes Authors that,
But fear not, noble FLEAE-Fanciers:
for some say that the Season of THE FLEA will come again.
In the interim, Readers may Besport themselues & Injoy
perusing THE FLEA’s poetick pamphletts,
whereof a New issue will be made around the Middle of each Monthe,
depending upon the Humour of the Editor.
A Brief
Adviz’ments pertaining to the
thereof; in which The Editor of
Expatiates Vpon
Certaine Dignify’d Customs, Desir’d Behauiours,
& Divers Requirements;
for Authors, who would submitte
Versify’d Effusions for his Consideration.
Principles of Submission
Authors aspiring to have a Poetickal Worke exhibited in a future Broadsheet of The Flea may submit no more than THREE Workes during a Submission Period, those workes being best gather’d together into a single submission, rather than dispatch’d as three separate Items.
A single poem (or, rarely, two or three) by a given author, may be selected for publication in one or more future Broadsheets.
Works must be original and, in the sole judgement of The Editor, of a sufficiently distinguished character both thematically and prosodically. Submissions must be sedulously corrected before despatch.
Authors may avail themselves of the technical submission facilities, when such are reinstated in the lower region of this page, carefully inserting the title, text, and any notes appertaining into the space there provided, & taking note of instructions, provisos, and exhortations. Such submissions will attract an automatic acknowledgement.
When submissions are re-opened, delivery by electronic æmail to The Editor will also be accepted, with the submitted poems included in the body of the text. If formatting of the submitted poems be difficult to render thus, Authors may attach MS .doc or .docx files.
(* means the field is required)
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Copy the text from your Word document (or other source) and paste it into the box below. Line and paragraph breaks will be preserved (if not, you can adjust with the Enter/Delete keys) but formatting such as italics and bold is not preserved. If there are just a few instances of such formatting, you can reapply it in the form, using basic HTML tags. (Use the link below for information on basic formatting.) Do not insert HTML code for paragraph or line breaks; it should be sufficient to ensure that breaks are visually correct, with a double break between stanzas or strophes. SEE THE FORMATTING NOTES IF YOU ARE SENDING TEXT WITH INDENTED LINES, and preview your text before submitting.
It won’t matter whether your poem title or other heading is in bold type or not.
Any special characters like accented letters, em dashes, or curly apostrophes and quotes, WILL come through fine if pasted in below and visually correct. Any UBB (forum/bulletin board) formatting codes for italics, bold, and spacing (white) text will be converted to the required HTML and reflected back into the text entry window.
*YOUR TEXT Formatting help and examples (separate window)
If your text includes any formatting, such as italics or indented lines, be sure to read the formatting notes (link above) and preview the text before submitting.
Be aware that occasionally there might be a brief web server “outage” and the form might not work for a minute or two, so keep a text-file copy of your submission exactly as entered above, just in case. If your submission is successfully sent, you will see a confirmation page immediately, and if you check the relevant box, below, you will also receive a confirming email within a short time. If you see the confirmation page but don’t receive the email, you may have entered your address wrongly: try again.
Brief author’s biographical note —
up to about 60 words in third-person style, with no more than one web link.
(Formatting is available as above.)
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If you are set up to read formatted (HTML) mail, the message should show your submission exactly as received. If you read mail only in plain text, the confirmation will show the text and line breaks as submitted, but formatting such as italics will be absent and special characters such as quotes and em dashes may not appear correctly even though we received them correctly.